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Articles in the The Rusty Spinner Category

The Rusty Spinner »

[17 Jul 2010 | Comments Off on Ambrosia | ]

Many of my more recent posts seem to be experimenting with one particular theme. They each suggest that fly fishing is about so much more than the fish. Sure, if one is fortunate then one’s trips to the river are successful. You catch a boat load. You catch colossus. Your wrist is sore from the […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[7 Jul 2010 | Comments Off on The Secret to Running | ]

“The secret to running is running,” or so says one of the coaches with whom I work. Honestly, I don’t know the first thing about running – I don’t run if police dogs are chasing me, and you would guess as much when first you saw me - but I understand the metaphor. To improve at anything one must practice; […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[4 Jul 2010 | Comments Off on The Pledge of Allegiance | ]

Given the holiday I thought this was especially apropos. I do love this country ….

The Rusty Spinner »

[26 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Bait Dunkers | ]

Today, I girded up my paternal loins, and took to the field of battle. Mama Bear was away for the day, Mercury was aligned with Venus, and my psychic said the time was right to introduce the Daley triplets to hooks, bobbers, and panfish. So, at high noon, I found myself standing in the local […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[26 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Bait Chuckers | ]

Today, I girded up my paternal loins, and took to the field of battle. Mama Bear was away for the day, Mercury was aligned with Venus, and my psychic said the time was right to introduce the Daley triplets to hooks, bobbers, and panfish. So, at high noon, I found myself standing in the local […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[24 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Single Asian Carp Found Six Miles from Lake Michigan | ]

By SERENA DAI and JOHN FLESHER, Associated Press Writers Serena Dai And John Flesher, Associated Press Writers – Wed Jun 23, 8:41 pm ET CHICAGO – An Asian carp was found for the first time beyond electric barriers meant to keep the voracious invasive species out of the Great Lakes, state and federal officials said […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[21 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on The First Day of Summer | ]

It was June 21st, the first day of summer, and this little spring was running at a chilly 58 degrees. Her twin was a sweltering 64 degrees. And in the pool where the sisters came together were nearly 40 of these little guys. Bennie couldn’t believe his luck … and it was luck. This guy […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[17 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Oh Crap! | ]

When I was a soldier stationed at Ft. Riley, Kansas, my fellow grunts and I used to catch these things by the bucket-full. Beer-battered crappie … absolutely divine. I had forgotten just how much fun they can be to catch, especially when they take bass flies on top.

The Rusty Spinner »

[9 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on On Fishing and Friendship | ]

I’ve been thinking, reminiscing actually. Remembrance brings with it the realization that I’ve lived just long enough to know a few things with absolute, crystalline certainty. First, I know that I do not know it all.  There was a time, not too long ago, when I thought I had everything figured out. The enigmas of life and love […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[8 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Uber Goober | ]

Tom Rosenbauer – author of The Orvis Guide to Prospecting for Trout: How to Catch Fish When There’s No Hatch to Match, The Orvis Fly-Tying Guide, and a whole host of other titles – is a prolific writer, a patient teacher, and an accomplished fly tyer and angler. And while he may know his stuff, he’s […]