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The Rusty Spinner »

[5 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on Lake Fish | ]

My friends and I spent our formative years on the banks of the Hudson River. For the better part of our collective childhood and early adolescence, we explored the rivers’ coves, eddies, runs and pools (late adolescence was spent exploring girls). In time, we came to understand the river, and to know its fish (we […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[2 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on The Fall Classic | ]

One week ago today, I was knee deep in the Salmon River, thinking about baseball.
Yes, baseball.
Standing in the icy water, my mind went back to October 31st, Halloween. Amy and I had already taken the triplets from house to house, fed them each a few diminutive bites of chocolate, and tucked them into their beds […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[2 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on The Fall Classic | ]

One week ago today, I was knee deep in the Salmon River, thinking about baseball.
Yes, baseball.
Standing in the icy water, my mind went back to October 31st, Halloween. Amy and I had already taken the triplets from house to house, fed them each a few diminutive bites of chocolate, and tucked them into their beds […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[18 Nov 2009 | Comments Off on But You Only Work Nine Months a Year … | ]

The really hard thing about being a dedicated bug chucker, father of triplets, and high school teacher is the timing. From November through January, the stars align to keep me off the water.
First and foremost, there are the paternal obligations of being a father during the holidays. Turkies need to be carved, trees cut, lights […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[18 Nov 2009 | Comments Off on But You Only Work Nine Months a Year … | ]

The really hard thing about being a dedicated bug chucker, father of triplets, and high school teacher is the timing. From November through January, the stars align to keep me off the water.
First and foremost, there are the paternal obligations of being a father during the holidays. Turkies need to be carved, trees cut, lights […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[18 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on On Rivers and the Memory of Rivers | ]

I spent the better part of the afternoon tossing a pair of nymphs to eager fish that seemed to know winter is on its way. As I worked downstream and fought off the cold and the gusting wind, I found myself thinking of another day on another river.
I was fishing with Shawn Brillon, Bob Mead, […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[18 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on On Rivers and the Memory of Rivers | ]

Today, I spent the better part of the afternoon tossing a pair of nymphs to eager fish that seemed to know winter is on its way. As I worked downstream and fought off the cold and the gusting wind, I found myself thinking of another day on another river.
I was fishing with Shawn Brillon, Bob […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[10 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on An Oldie But Goodie | ]

I love old stuff.
Pictured in the photo is the prize of my Orvis CFO collection. It was manufactured in 1979 by the Hardy company, and was the first of the bar-stock CFOs. All previous models were made of cast aluminum. One thousand reels were made, 500 in silver and 500 in gold. Mine is gold, […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[1 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on Slow Days: FGFF | ]

Alex Landeen over at Fat Guy Fly Fishing has written a short but poignant piece about those “close but no cigar” days. It’s well worth the thirty seconds it will take to read.
You’ll find the specific entry here, but the entire blog is terrific. Enjoy …

The Rusty Spinner »

[26 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on Tomhannock Sunset | ]

I was at the lake with my kids a few days ago, but we weren’t fishing. We were far too busy watching God kiss the water.