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Articles in the The Rusty Spinner Category

The Rusty Spinner »

[26 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on Tomhannock Sunset | ]

I was at the lake with my kids a few days ago, but we weren’t fishing. We were far too busy watching God kiss the water.

The Rusty Spinner »

[22 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on Trusty Rusty | ]

Near the conclusion of the film, Silence of the Lambs, Sir Anthony Hopkins’ character Hannibal Lecter remarks that he is having an old friend for dinner. If one was otherwise unfamiliar with the picture, one wouldn’t think twice about the character’s statement. Having watched the film from start to finish, however, the audience understands the […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[22 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on Etiquette-Smetiquette | ]

I won’t go into the details as it just isn’t necessary. If you’re reading this then you’ve probably been the unhappy, frustrated or angry recipient of someone’s bad manners, and while you weren’t on the river with me this past weekend, you already know what happened. I won’t burden you with the minutae, but I […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[22 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on Etiquette-Smetiquette | ]

I won’t go into the details as it just isn’t necessary. If you’re reading this then you’ve probably been the unhappy, frustrated or angry recipient of someone’s bad manners, and while you weren’t on the river with me this past weekend, you already know what happened. I won’t burden you with the minutae, but I […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[16 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on On No Longer Working in a Flyshop | ]

There are those days when I miss working in flyshop. Yes, it was a retail job, and carried with it all that any retail position entails. The good, however, generally outweighed the bad. Think about it for a moment. I could talk fishing all day, tie a fly or cast a rod out on the […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[7 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on On Ruts and Routines | ]

There is no denying that people are creatures of habit. We find a routine with which we are comfortable, and follow that same time-worn path, most every day. Just take a moment and consider all the things we do simply because we’ve always done them. We drive the same way to and from work, never […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[7 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on On Ruts and Routines | ]

There is no denying that people are creatures of habit. We find a routine with which we are comfortable, and follow that same time-worn path, most every day. Just take a moment and consider all the things we do simply because we’ve always done them. We drive the same way to and from work, never […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[3 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on My Coach Klein Moment | ]

“Mr. Coach Klein, you got your manhood! You got your manhood.” – The Waterboy, 1998
After being emasculated and sent home a eunuch by a particular downstate tailwater, I was pitied by my home river and had a terrific day. I lost count, but took somewhere in the neighborhood of twelve to fifteen fish, with […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[3 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on My Coach Klein Moment | ]

“Mr. Coach Klein, you got your manhood! You got your manhood.” – The Waterboy, 1998
After being emasculated and sent home a eunuch by a particular downstate tailwater, I was pitied by my home river and had a terrific day. I lost count, but took somewhere in the neighborhood of twelve to fifteen fish, with […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[1 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on Revenge of the River Gods | ]

There were no omens. There were no portents. The sky did not darken, and the earth did not move. There was absolutely no indication that things would go as poorly as they did. Had I any inkling the day would play out in such a fashion, I would have chosen a better way to spend […]