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Articles in the The Rusty Spinner Category

The Rusty Spinner »

[15 Jul 2009 | Comments Off on Gear Swap | ]

I think I’ll just put it right out there, and hope my wife doesn’t read my blog. I’ve way too much shiznat. Way … way too much. Three 905s, two 904s, two 906s. I fish one of each. Reels … extra there too. Nets. Waders. Boots. Lines. So much stuff.
So here’s the […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[7 Jul 2009 | Comments Off on Here Comes the Rain Again … | ]

Notice that 80% of this radar image is clear. The heaviest weather is passing over my neck of the woods, and the USGS has the river well on its way to being blown out … again. I’m beginning to think this is never going to end. Guess who won’t be fishing the evening hatch tonight?

The Rusty Spinner »

[6 Jul 2009 | Comments Off on To Do | ]

First thing’s first. I need to figure out a way to get out from underneath all this freaking rain. Every time the river drops to a reasonable level, another storm front moves in, unloads a biblical flood on all the local drainages, and effectively screws the pooch for a few more days. It […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[4 Jul 2009 | Comments Off on Happy Independence Day! | ]

I wanted to take a moment to wish all my fellow fly flingers a very happy Fourth of July. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your friends. And while you’re watching the fireworks or sucking down the barbeque, please give a moment’s thought to all of our fighting men and women that today find themselves advancing […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[2 Jul 2009 | Comments Off on History of the Orvis CFO | ]

All that follows has been published as part of a website I put together years ago. I’ve been playing with the idea of closing down that particular site as I haven’t updated it in over a year, so I thought I would republish this information here (it’s the only section of the website that […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[1 Jul 2009 | Comments Off on Knots a la Green Beret | ]

A former U.S. Special Forces soldier who uses the pseudonym Sean Linnane gives a brief tutorial on some essential knots for anyone who gets around in the outdoors. They’re (k)not specific to fishing, but very useful nonetheless. The blog is also interesting reading for anyone with an interest in an American soldier’s perspective […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[26 Jun 2009 | Comments Off on The ‘Kill | ]

“Mom’s going to kill you.”
“You kill me.”
“Try this shake. It just kills.”
“She’s got killer …”
Kill. The word derives from the Middle English cullen, which means “to deprive of life, cause the death of or to slay.” In Dutch, the language of the original settlers of much of New York, kill takes on an entirely different […]

The Rusty Spinner »

[25 Jun 2009 | Comments Off on E-Harmony … Country Style | ]

I hope he finds the one he’s looking for.

The Rusty Spinner »

[25 Jun 2009 | Comments Off on E-Harmony … Country Style | ]

The Rusty Spinner »

[23 Jun 2009 | Comments Off on Shenantaha | ]

The rivers have been blown out for two weeks, two very long weeks. I have been jonesing to fling a fly in a way only other bugchuckers will understand. I have been distracted to the point of neglecting my job, home, wife and children. For lack of trout I have been less of a man.
Yesterday […]